Go to Start Menu—>Right Click on ‘My Computer’—>Select ’Properties’ to launch System Properties.
All details about your computer including your System OS Version,RAM details,Processor info and all other important details that you should know are grouped together under ‘General’ tab.
[Click on the image to open enlarged version]
‘Computer Name’ tab let’s you manage the name of your computer as seen by the other network.
‘Hardware’ tab let’s you see Drivers info and Device manager etc…
‘Remote’ tab let’s you manage the Remote Desktop Connection settings.[Click here to know how to use Remote Desktop Connection].
very simple, this can be done in two ways, first is to press the windows button and then press pause. the second, I turn to my computer and give him being there right click and select properties. and ready.
or you can just right click the background and on the bottom, it will say "Properties........"
or you can just right click the background and on the bottom, it will say "Properties........"
if we have no any os then?
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